Child Actor LA

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Pitfalls of the Fashion Industry By Child Actor LA

  • By Susan B. Engler
  • 24 Nov, 2019

There are thousands of young people who want to make it in the fashion industry every year, but unfortunately many will be disappointed. Here we at Child Actor LA will identify some of the major pitfalls of the fashion industry and give tips on how to avoid them.


Being over confident


A lot of people may find themselves the most beautiful or talented in their class, and may grow up with a lot of praise, and be surrounded by people who tell them that they're more beautiful than most of the supermodels out there. So it can be a nasty surprise when they enter the world of modeling and find that they are surrounded by beautiful people and are nothing special after all.


The solution to being overconfident


You need to be confident, of course, but you need to be realistic too, and ready to be humble. Don't expect people to be falling over themselves to sign you - always be polite and grateful for any opportunities that are given - and expect to work hard to earn success.


Thinking it's all glitz and glamour


Because of what we see on TV and in the movies and magazines, a lot of people get the impression that the fashion industry is all about glitz and glamour. That there's Champagne and caviar every step of the way, and life is one long party. Unfortunately this is not the case. Of course there are perks to being in the fashion industry, but like any other industry there is serious work to be done.


The solution to having the wrong impression


If you're attracted to the industry because you think it's going to be fun every minute and an easy way to achieve fame and fortune, then you need to adjust your mind set. If that's all you're interested in, then it might not be the industry for you. However, if you're genuinely committed to launching a career in fashion, then you just need to stay realistic and be prepared for the hard graft.


Not planning for the future


Especially in modeling, careers are very short. There are a handful of supermodels whose faces allow them to keep working into their thirties and even forties, but for the majority of catwalk and fashion models, they need to have something else lined up.


Planning for the future


Having had a successful career modeling, you'll be in a great position to sidestep into one of the other careers, such as fashion design or event organization. Keep your eyes open for alternative opportunities and the kinds of things that appeal to you.


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