All humans are actors to some extent. This sounds Shakespearean but it is very true. Many times we have done what we do not like and many times we begin to like what we are doing. We represent those very feelings on stage or before the camera in the form of characters. The person's who enact those characters are actors.
The hero-actor in a play or a film is not always the protagonist though usually he is so. The plot of a story or a play takes the hero through a number of coincides or circumstantial changes to show that he can adjust in any space and time and yet remains a leader or a savoir.
Well! A tragic hero on the other hand distorts his own good circumstance and he also worsens in his temperament in such a way that the spectators sympathizes with wraths than looking down on him. In both the above cases the actors who portray these characters must be very skilled in showing their feelings by their eyes, the face and of course the body. Sometimes they may have to overact.
The comedians have to keep improvising methods to portray the force in the society and the foolishness of the rich who haven't experienced the world around and take it for granted that all happiness can be commodities. Many times a comedian performs serious roles yet he makes us laugh-he is an actor.
The lady on the other hand whether a heroine or a vamp usually shows excess feminine energy either she is a sacrificing friend, a mother or a seductor. To portray these feelings the lady actors need very good supporting actors.
The dancers or singers are also actors who are usually speaking of the hero, the heroine or the villain who would like to confess, or it could be about love, hate, or jealousy. Many times mindsets are condemned through a singer who also dances.
Basically the actors are also informal teachers.
If you want to learn more of such informative piece or looking for acting school for your children, you can consider Child Actor LA - Children acting lessons for life Skills. The institute provides drama and performing arts classes and is a place where children can grow and acquire life skills.
If you want to learn more, please click here