Child Actor LA

Blog Post

How To Create an Acting Resume?

  • By Susan B. Engler
  • 04 May, 2018

Are you looking for an acting job? Before you get that acting gig you dream of, you had better know how to put together a top notch acting resume.


Directors usually like to work with people who know what to do. In the same respect do not inflate your roles you add to your written resume you never know who is reading!


You can set up a generic cover letter and quickly tailor it to the needs of a production. A personal cover letter shows that the actor has at least read the part description and it also gives a hint as to how intelligent he or she is.


Building Your Acting Resume


  • You can divide your resume into sections that describe each area of your career, experience and training. Awards and honors that you have received are a very important part of the written resume. You should include all awards, honors, and critiques you have received. Training and education both formal and informal should be detailed along with organization involvement, industry memberships, and professional affiliations.
  • Be sure that you don't lie on your resume. Don't make things up such as special skills or write things just to fill up your acting resume. You should try to keep your acting resume within one letter-sized document. You don't want your resume to be too lengthy. 
  • Be sure to use an appropriate font style so that your resume is easily readable to everyone. Look at your head shot and make sure that it really shows your face. Use your best head shot that still reflects your current look. 
  • Make sure your contact information is current and up-to-date and be sure to include your email address. You want the casting director to be able to contact you if he or she is interested in calling you back. The next thing you'll need to work on is your verbal resume. 
  • Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Acting Resume, The Do and Do Not list of Acting Resumes 
  • Do keep it to the point. Stick to the point of your "acting" experience and credits; try not to wonder off into jobs and subjects that are not of interest to a casting director. You need to get your best work across as quickly as possible. If you bore the casting director with useless info at the beginning then he may toss it before even getting to the good stuff. 
  • Do keep the font simple and the layout clean. Avoid fancy fonts and keep it easily readable. Your art comes through on a stage, not on paper. 
  • Do spell check!!!! Kinda a no brainer, but people still forget to do it. Proof your resume and allow a friend to proof it as well to catch any mistakes you may have missed. 
  • Do keep it neat looking by using the same size paper for the head shot and resume. 
  • Do stay focused to your acting goals. 
  • Do add your contact info, people sometimes forget that part. If you have an agent you would use your agents phone number, your cell number, email and a link to your online portfolio, reel or website. Do not list a street address. 
  • Do not add stuff as filler just to make it seem longer. You do not need a 2 page + resume. Try to keep it all to one page staying focused on your best work. If you were in 17 school plays last year or the countless non speaking extra parts, nobody needs to hear about every tiny role you had... only the best roles. 
  • Do Not use a chronological resume format unless it's the most appropriate because you had long running productions and very few. Generally, a chronological resume does not arrange information well for actors. You always want to highlight your best work at the top and not make someone search for it on a page by date. 
  • Do Not lie about experience. It's very easy to lie about acting experience, classes taken, etc. Avoid doing so, you will get caught. 
  • Do Not name drop. Knowing someone has no effect on your skills and will make you look like a star struck novice.


A Standard Acting Resume Model


An acting resume should contain the following:


First and last name your contact info as well as your agents info, if you have one. If you have an agent you would use your agents name and phone number, your cell number, email and a link to your online portfolio, reel or website. Union affiliations if any. Your stats - height, weight, hair and eye color, vocal range. Also the range of ages you can play if applicable (people disagree about this one). Acting credits, a sample of your work and experience level. List some of your best and more recent work. Special talents such as dance, musical instruments, singing. Extra skills such as languages spoken, physical abilities, martial arts skills, etc. Education and Acting Classes Any awards you have received Any extracurricular activities or hobbies that may be of interest to a casting director (keep this very short) Any additional information that may be specific to certain roles.


If your child is interested in acting career you can enroll him with the Child Actor LA - Children Acting lessons for life Skills. Children associated with Child Actor LA Institute are currently working as series regular on General hospital, Modern family, Cristela, Fresh Off The Boat, Nickelodeon and top national TV commercials and print + movies.


Contact at (949) 577 9255 and know about Child Actor LA Summer Camps and Child Actor LA Admissions dates

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